About Me
A bit about me:
I was born in Liverpool in 1985 and stayed there, apart from a 10 month period in Berlin age 3, until 2003. I spent a gap year in Brazil, imperialistically teaching English, and then ended up in Cambridge. I'm still there, in my second year of a philosophy degree.
In 2002 I became involved with Merseyside Socialist Alliance, later joining the Socialist Workers Party that Summer. By February 2003 I found myself part of the biggest mass movement in British history, and by March I was being threatened with expulsion from school for organising a walkout of a couple of hundred school students. The anti-war movement still remains a defining part of my life (I got the new book for Christmas and got all teary-eyed).
More recently I've been elected to Cambridge University Student's Union executive committee as Higher Education Funding officer. This is an odd time to have the job, since the campaign on student funding seems to be lacking both national leadership and a clear direction. I've been doing my best. I survived a vote of no confidence last term, based on my alleged attempts to 'politicise' the union. I don't think I did anything wrong, and ultimately it seems neither did council.
I've also been trying to build Student Respect in Cambridge, which is getting somewhere, albeit slowly...