Blair going, going, gone...
A horrendous pantomime today as the murdering, shameless, vicious Blair finally announces his departure. It's perfect for the media. No need for difficult questions, no need to talk about his actual legacy. Instead we have "unprecedented third term", "social justice" and "preoccupation with foreign policy". No-one seems to be pointing out how much sheer nonsense Blair has been spouting today.
Let's be clear. I don't care whether he did it in faith. I don't care how much he meant it. Half a million people are dead. Iraq is in flames; Afghanistan no better. It does not matter how much he thought he was doing right, he did wrong, and spectacularly so. And yet still no apology.
Also, what sort of Labour leader says in his leaving speech: "This country is a blessed country. The British are special. The world knows it, we know it, this is the greatest country on earth." What utter nationalist tripe. Is this meant to be an explanation of his vicious foreign policy? If so it'd at least be consistent. Rather it seems like the rhetoric designed to turn himself into some sort of 'timeless statesman' (which to be fair, as I listen to the Radio it seems like Nick Robinson is doing rather well for him). Either way it's particularly nasty, but then what do we expect from a man who accused me, 2 million others who marched, and 70% of the British public, of having blood on our hands.
Anyway, the task now is twofold: To ensure that the word Blair is never seperated from Iraq, Civil Liberties and Islamophobia, and to drive forward the splits in the Labour party, to shatter the New Labour project, and to build the alternative.